Saturday 27 April 2024

The new EU asylum laws, part 6: the new Dublin rules on responsibility for asylum-seekers


Professor Steve Peers, Royal Holloway, University of London

Photo credit: Ggia, via Wikimedia Commons

Just before Christmas, the European Parliament and the Council (the EU body consisting of Member States’ ministers) reached a deal on five key pieces of EU asylum legislation, concerning asylum procedures, the ‘Dublin’ system on responsibility for asylum applications, the ‘Eurodac’ database supporting the Dublin system, screening of migrants/asylum seekers, and derogations in the event of crises. These five laws joined the previously agreed revised laws on qualification of refugees and people with subsidiary protection, reception conditions for asylum-seekers, and resettlement of refugees from outside the EU. Taken together, all these laws are intended to be part of a ‘package’ of new or revised EU asylum laws.

I’ll be looking at all these agreements for new legislation on this blog in a series of blog posts (see the agreed texts here), unless the deal somehow unravels. This is the sixth post in the series, on the Regulation on Asylum and Migration Management – which I will refer to as the ‘revised Dublin Regulation’ or ‘2024 Dublin Regulation’ for the sake of simplicity. The previous blog posts in the series concerned the planned new qualification Regulation (part 1), the revised reception conditions Directive (part 2), the planned new Regulation on resettlement of refugees (part 3), the revised Regulation on Eurodac (part 4), and the Regulation on screening of migrants (part 5).

As noted in the earlier posts in this series, all of the measures in the asylum package could in principle be amended or blocked before they are adopted, except for the previous Regulation revising the powers of the EU asylum agency, which was separated from the package and adopted already in 2021. I will update this blog post as necessary in light of developments. (On EU asylum law generally, see my asylum law chapter in the latest edition of EU Justice and Home Affairs Law).

The 2024 Dublin Regulation: background

After an early failed attempt to negotiate rules on responsibility for asylum-seekers in the broader Council of Europe framework, a group of EU Member States agreed rules on the issue as part of the Schengen Convention in 1990. These rules were then extended to all Member States in the Dublin Convention in the same year. Subsequently, the Dublin system became part of the EU development of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS): the first phase of the CEAS included a ‘Dublin II Regulation’, adopted in 2003, and the second phase included a ‘Dublin III Regulation’, adopted in 2013. During the perceived ‘refugee crisis’, there were two emergency decisions on ‘relocation’ of asylum-seekers (moving some of them from Italy and Greece, who were responsible for their applications, to a different Member State, to reduce the burdens on those frontline States), but they expired in 2017. The case law on the Dublin II Regulation and Dublin III Regulation is presumably still relevant to the 2024 Regulation, except where the latter has changed the text of the rules.

The UK and Ireland both opted into the Dublin II and III Regulations. The UK is no longer part of the Dublin system, as a consequence of Brexit (for more on the Brexit angle, see my comments for the UK in a Changing Europe in 2020; note that since I wrote that, the UK has not negotiated any replacement for Dublin with the EU as a whole or individual Member States, resorting to the Rwanda policy instead). Ireland opted out of the 2024 Dublin Regulation, but will remain bound by the Dublin III rules. (It may seem odd to refer to the ‘2024 Dublin Regulation’, given that Ireland is not participating – but then everyone still refers to the ‘Istanbul Convention’, despite Turkey withdrawing from it)

Denmark is opted out of the Regulation as such, but nevertheless participates in the Dublin system via a treaty with the EU. There is also a Dublin association treaty with Norway and Iceland, and subsequently with Switzerland and Liechtenstein, in parallel to those countries’ association with Schengen.

The legislative process leading to the 2024 Regulation began with a proposal in 2016, which I commented on at the time. Since this proved particularly difficult to agree, a new proposal was tabled in 2020 as part of the relaunch of the proposed EU Immigration and Asylum Pact.

Substance of the Regulation

Like most of the new asylum laws (except the resettlement Regulation, which will apply almost immediately), the new Dublin rules will apply in two years’ time (so likely in spring 2026). But certain provisions will have some effect earlier than that, as discussed below. Furthermore, the Commission must produce a ‘common implementation plan’ to the Council within three months of the Regulation’s entry into force (it is planning to issue this early, in June); Member States must produce national implementation plans within six months of the Regulation’s entry into force.

In addition to amending the traditional Dublin rules on criteria for responsibility for asylum applications, and also the process for the transfer of asylum-seekers to the responsible Member State, the 2024 version of the Dublin Regulation does two more (closely linked) things: it sets up an overall framework for asylum and immigration management within the EU, and establishes a solidarity mechanism to share the burden of applications between Member States. This blog post examines in turn the amendments to changes to responsibility, the related procedural rights, and the transfer process, followed by discussion of the new rules on migration management and solidarity, and concluding with an overall assessment.

Criteria for responsibility

As before, there is an underlying obligation for Member States to consider asylum applications, which will be considered by a single Member State responsible under the Dublin criteria; if the criteria do not indicate a responsible Member State, the default is where the application was registered (previously where the application was lodged; the procedures Regulation details the differences between these concepts). It is still possible to send an applicant to a ‘safe third country’ as defined by the procedures law rather than apply the Dublin rules (on which see the CJEU ruling in Mirza, and the recent Irish judgment finding that the UK was wrongly designated a ‘safe’ country in this context). A new provision allocates responsibility if an asylum seeker fails a security check: the Member State conducting the check then becomes responsible for the application.

The exception to the Dublin rules where there are serious human rights breaches in the responsible State (dating back to the CJEU’s interpretation of the Dublin II Regulation in NS and ME, and added to the text of the Dublin III Regulation), also remains. But there are some amendments to the exception: it now solely refers to Article 4 of the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights (the ban on facing torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment), rather than also to ‘systemic flaws in the asylum procedure and in the reception conditions for applicants in that Member State’; the clauses on dependent persons and the sovereignty clause (both discussed below) must also be considered; and it is possible to consider all Member States (not just those responsible according to the Dublin criteria) before the Member State where the application was registered becomes responsible. The former change is perhaps due to CJEU case law which confirmed that asylum-seekers could also not be returned to a Member State where they faced an Article 4 risk because of their individual situation, or because of a risk of severe material poverty (see respectively CK and Jawo). On the other hand, the CJEU has rejected arguments that the exception applies where there are flaws applying the qualification criteria in the other Member State (Cases C-228/21 etc), although in some circumstances ‘pushbacks’ would be a ground for challenging Dublin transfers (Case C-392/22). (The position of those – other than resettled persons – who already have international protection in one Member State but seek it in another Member State due to human rights problems in the former State is governed by the procedures Regulation).

A new provision in the 2024 Regulation expressly obliges each asylum-seeker to apply in the Member State of first entry. This has long been the popular conception of what the Dublin rules do anyway, but in fact they previously only referred to obligations for Member States, not asylum-seekers – although of course this will often have amounted to a de facto obligation for asylum seekers in practice, to the extent that Member States attempted to enforce the rules. As a derogation from this new rule, asylum seekers must apply in a Member State that gave them a residence document or visa; if that residence document or visa has expired or been withdrawn et al, they must apply in the Member State where they are present. Asylum-seekers also have further obligations: to cooperate in providing evidence relevant to the Dublin rules; to provide biometric data for the Eurodac database; to be present in the Member State where they were obliged to apply, or which is responsible, or which they were relocated to; and to cooperate and comply with a transfer decision.

What if the asylum-seeker does not comply with these obligations? Another new clause sets out consequences for non-compliance: loss of certain reception conditions under the revised reception conditions Directive, subject to the conditions that the asylum-seeker was informed and that a basic standard of living is maintained. This exception was discussed in Part 2 of this series, commenting on that revised Directive. But there are exceptions, which are not mentioned in that Directive, if there are reasonable grounds to  believe that the asylum-seeker is a victim of human trafficking, as defined by EU law, as well as a general obligation to ‘take into account the individual circumstances of the applicant, including any real risk of violations of fundamental rights in the Member State where the applicant is required to be present’, together with the principle of proportionality.

Moving on to the criteria for responsibility themselves, they still apply in the order in which they appear – but there are some changes, both to those criteria and to that order of appearance. First of all, the criteria relating to responsibility for unaccompanied minors (starting with responsibility for the Member State where there is a legally present family member or sibling) are largely unchanged, although the default rule is now where the minor’s application was ‘first registered’, rather than where it was ‘lodged’; this seems to change the case law (see Case C-648/11). Secondly, the criterion assigning responsibility to the Member State where a family member has international protection has been widened, to include also Member States where the family member has EU long-term residence on the basis of the EU long-term residence Directive (or national long-term residence, if the Directive does not apply to the Member State in question). However, the third criterion – where family members are themselves asylum-seekers, if they are awaiting a first instance decision on the substance – is unchanged.

Underlying these criteria is the definition of ‘family member’, which has been amended. It now applies to family relationships that pre-dated entry into the territory, not only to families which existed in the country of origin; so it would now cover (for example) Syrians who got married or had a child while in Turkey. Otherwise the definition is the same (spouse or unmarried partner, if national immigration law treats spouses and partners the same; unmarried minor children of the couple or applicant; or the parent or other adult responsible for an unmarried minor). Similar changes were made to the family reunion definition in the qualifications and reception conditions rules, as we saw in Parts 1 and 2 of this series.

The next criterion remains holding a residence document or visa. Here, the rules have changed to provide for a longer period of responsibility where either the residence document (three years instead of two) or visa (18 months, instead of six) has expired (on the CJEU’s interpretation of ‘residence documents’ and ‘visa’, see Case C-568/21 on diplomatic cards, and Jafari on the Merkel waiver of the rules in 2015). Along the same lines, there is then a wholly new criterion: the Member State where the asylum-seeker obtained a diploma or other qualification, if it was attained less than six years before the asylum application. The next two criteria are not new, but rather have been moved higher up the list of criteria, now trumping irregular entry: those who entered on the basis of a visa waiver, or who applied in the international transit area of an airport.

The irregular entry criterion – the best known rule, but obviously not the only one, or even the first one – is now the bottom of the list (leaving aside the default of where the application was registered), and has itself been amended: responsibility now expires 20 months after the irregular border crossing of a Member State (instead of 12); the ‘Sangatte clause’ on responsibility for irregular stay on the territory of a Member State has been dropped; and there are new provisions on search and rescue cases (responsibility expiring after 12 months) and relocation (on interpretation of this criterion, see again Jafari). Finally, the special provisions on dependents, and the ‘sovereignty clause’ allowing Member States to accept cases that are not their responsibility under the rules (or to request another Member State that is not responsible to accept responsibility), remain largely unchanged (there’s extensive case law on the sovereignty clause, leaving Member States with discretion to apply it: see most recently Case C-359/22. In a dig at Merkel, the 2016 proposal would have curtailed its use substantially, but that proposal got nowhere).

Procedural rights

At the start of the Dublin process, the right to information for asylum-seekers has been expanded to include more issues. There is a new right to legal counselling at this point. The previous rules on the right to an interview have been amended, inter alia to add details on the questions to be asked and a requirement to record the interview (in place of a written summary). (On the scope and effect – under the Dublin III Regulation – of the rights to information and an interview, see Cases C-228/21 etc) Next, the previous rules on the rights of minors have also been amended, in particular to elaborate on the role of the child’s representatives, expand upon the notion of the ‘best interests of the child’, and require an assessment before transferring an unaccompanied minor.

As for remedies once a transfer decision has been made, Member States are still obliged to inform asylum seekers if another Member State has agreed to take back or take charge of them, with additional obligations to inform them of the obligation to comply. While there is still a right to an effective remedy against a transfer, the detailed rules on the remedy restrict it compared to the Dublin III Regulation. In particular, the scope of the remedy is now limited to assessment of specific issues (Article 4 of the Charter, new circumstances since the transfer decision, or an application of the responsibility criteria related to family members), effectively overturning prior case law which allowed for exercise of appeal rights in more cases (see, for instance, Ghezelbash). It is now specified that Member States must give asylum seekers at least one week, but not more than three weeks, to bring an appeal. Also, the prospects of suspensive effect of an appeal have been weakened by making the main rule merely a request for suspensive effect, dropping stronger options. Finally, the right to legal aid for such appeals is retained.

Moving on to detention pending a Dublin transfer, detention solely for being subject to a Dublin procedure is still ruled out. But the threshold to detain has been lowered (a ‘risk of absconding’, in place of a ‘significant risk of absconding’), and there is now a second ground to detain (‘where the protection of national security or public order so requires’). There is still a general rule that detention must be for ‘as short a period as possible’, and ‘for no longer than the time reasonably necessary to complete the required administrative procedures with due diligence until the transfer under this Regulation is carried out’, and the previous time limits requiring a fast track application of the transfer rules where an asylum seeker was detained have been shortened. As for detention conditions, they are still governed by cross-reference to the reception conditions Directive (see Part 2 of this series), although specific procedural guarantees (reasons for detention in writing, speedy judicial review) have been added to the 2024 Dublin Regulation itself. This is potentially confusing, as these provisions in the Regulation are an abridged version of the guarantees in the Directive.

Transfer process

The detailed rules on Member States’ obligations have been amended, inter alia to extend the obligations to take back asylum seekers to include those who have been admitted under an EU or national resettlement scheme but move irregularly to the territory of another Member State (on the EU resettlement scheme, see Part 3 of this series). Apparently, the obligation for the responsible Member State to consider the merits of an application made by an asylum-seeker who moves to another Member State has been dropped; the procedures Regulation in fact treats such cases as normally withdrawn. Also, there are revised rules on the cessation of responsibility, meaning that Member States remain responsible for longer. The deadlines to request another Member State to take charge of an applicant are shorter, as are the deadlines to reply to those requests. There are similar changes to the rules on take back requests. If a request to take charge or take back is accepted, the requesting State must adopt a transfer decision within two weeks.

The next step in the process – the transfer itself – must still be carried out within six months of the acceptance of the transfer request or the final decision on appeal. But the previous exception extending the deadline to eighteen months when the asylum-seeker absconds has been extended further to three years, and now also applies when the asylum-seeker ‘is physically resisting the transfer, is intentionally making himself or herself unfit for the transfer, or is not complying with medical requirements for the transfer.’ (There’s extensive prior case law on this deadline, for instance as regards covid cases and trafficking in persons).

Migration management and solidarity framework

The new provisions on migration management start with a general obligation on the EU and its Member States to establish comprehensive migration management, which is further broken down into internal and external components. There is also a general obligation to ensure solidarity and the fair sharing of responsibility, backed up by a ‘Migration Toolbox’ of EU policies. Member States must establish national strategies to manage migration and asylum, and the Commission must build on this to adopt a (non-binding) long-term EU Migration Management Strategy. The first of these strategies must be adopted within 18 months of the entry into force of the Regulation (so likely late 2025 or early 2026), and then every five years afterward, including a ‘prominent role’ for the case law of the CJEU and the European Court of Human Rights.

Next, the Commission must adopt an annual report on asylum and migration, ‘assessing the asylum, reception and migratory situation over the previous 12 month period and any possible developments providing a strategic situational picture of the area of migration and asylum that also serves as an early warning and awareness tool for the Union’. The report must assess migration developments, provide a forward projection, examine preparedness and capacity, and judge whether solidarity measures are necessary. Reports must be issued by October 15 each year, starting in 2025. Together with the annual report, the Commission must adopt an implementing decision defining which Member States are ‘under migratory pressure, at risk of migratory pressure or facing a significant migratory situation’ – which, as we will see, is linked to the solidarity rules under the new Dublin Regulation.

Also at the same time, the Commission must present a proposal for a Council implementing measure establishing the ‘Solidarity Pool’ – ‘to address the migratory situation in the upcoming year in a balanced and effective manner’, and which ‘shall reflect the annual projected solidarity needs of the Member States under migratory pressure’. This will identify the EU-wide annual needs for solidarity, which must be ‘at least’ 30,000 relocations and €600 million in financial contributions, setting out indicative shares of these contributions from each Member State based on the annual key in the Regulation, to ‘with a view to facilitating’ a pledging exercise. The need for solidarity is the norm: the Commission can only propose that such contributions are unnecessary in ‘exceptional situations’. There seems to be no possibility to propose numbers of relocations between zero and 30,000, or contributions below €600 million.

Conversely, these numbers could be higher, and also the Commission ‘may identify other forms of solidarity…depending on the needs for such measures arising from the specific challenges in the area of migration in the Member State concerned’. But if the numbers are higher, the ratio between relocations and financial contributions ‘shall be maintained’ (ie raising the financial contributions to €900 million would mean raising the relocations to 45,000). In proposing the size of the Pool, the Commission has to ‘take into account relevant qualitative and quantitative criteria, including, for the relevant year, the overall number of arrivals, the average recognition rates as well as the average return rates’. Due to the political sensitivity of the discussion, the Commission’s proposal will be secret until the Council has adopted the implementing decision.

To follow up the Commission proposal, there is a ‘High Level Solidarity Forum’ of Member States’ representatives, chaired by the Council Presidency, which will consider the Commission proposals within 15 days. This Forum is the venue for Member States to pledge towards the solidarity requirements; it can be reconvened if arguably more solidarity is necessary. The process is assisted by a technical-level forum and an EU Solidarity Coordinator, appointed by the Commission.

The Regulation’s provisions on solidarity explain further what the Solidarity Pool will consist of: relocation of both asylum-seekers and (if both States consent) beneficiaries of international protection, if they obtained their status less than three years before the Council act adopting the Solidarity Pool (those with international protection must also consent to relocation, but asylum-seekers are only consulted); financial contributions as regards asylum and migration, including possibly to non-EU countries ‘that might have a direct impact on the migratory flows at the external borders of Member States or improve the asylum, reception and migration system of the third country concerned, including assisted voluntary return and reintegration programmes’; and alternative measures, which focus ‘on operational support, capacity building, services, staff support, facilities and technical equipment’.

As for the Council decision establishing the Solidarity Pool each year, it shall be adopted by qualified majority (including amendments to the Commission proposal). Presumably the Council can amend the proposed number of relocations and financial support, either up or down. Crucially, ‘Member States shall have full discretion in choosing between the types of solidarity measures’, or a combination of them: in other words, they do not necessarily have to relocate asylum-seekers (the preamble also states that relocation is ‘voluntary’). The final decision will be based on what Member States are willing to pledge – a change from at least one of the 2015 relocation decisions, which set relocation numbers that some Member States disagreed with.

The Regulation then sets out the process by which Member States identified in the Commission’s decision as facing migratory pressure make use of the Solidarity Pool. Also, a Member State which was not identified as facing migratory pressure may apply to make use of the Pool; in that case the Commission must assess that Member State’s argument that it is facing such pressure. Presumably a refusal could be challenged. If the Commission agrees with the Member State, the Council will assess whether there is any capacity left in the Solidarity Pool for that year; if there is insufficient capacity, the Council will reopen the pledging process.

Member States facing migratory pressure, or a significant migratory situation (or which consider that they face such scenarios) can also ask to deduct some or all of their pledged contributions to the Pool. The Council will decide, following an assessment by the Commission, whether to agree to this request or not. Alternatively, under some circumstances, Member States’ relocation pledges can be offset by taking responsibility for applications that are not their responsibility under the Regulation. In other words, Germany might pledge to take 5,000 asylum-seekers from Greece to share its burden; but in practice this might take the form of Germany not transferring 5,000 asylum-seekers to Greece and dealing with their applications instead, even though Greece would normally have responsibility for them.


A key objective of the 2024 changes to the EU asylum system is to ensure more migration control by enhancing the efficiency of the EU asylum system, in part by restricting secondary movements of asylum seekers (ie movements between Member States). The notion of restricting such secondary movements has always been in profound tension with the liberalisation of the movement of people across the EU. But the revised Dublin rules are internally contradictory on top. They aim simultaneously to make the Dublin system work via placing more restrictions on secondary movement, and yet to disapply aspects of that system because of the unacceptable strain it places on some Member States. Not since the grand old Duke of York had a favourite hill has there been so much pointless circular activity. And this comes despite the recent acceptance that the EU’s temporary protection regime for those fleeing the invasion of Ukraine should be run on an ‘applicants’ choice’ basis.

The main changes with a view to ‘making Dublin work’ are the restrictions on appeals against transfer, the (conditional) loss of benefits and rights to have an application considered due to secondary movements, the explicit obligations to comply, the wider grounds for detention, longer time periods for responsibility for applications, and shorter deadlines for administrative decision-making. Of these, the rules on appeals against transfers and loss of benefits and rights to apply particularly aim to achieve this aim by reducing the rights of asylum-seekers.

On the former point, the 2024 Dublin rules reduce both the scope of the right to appeal against a transfer and its effectiveness in practice (in particular by limiting the previous options for suspensive effect), potentially altering the dynamics of the whole Dublin system: there might be fewer cases reaching the CJEU due to the limitation of the scope of appeals, and more asylum seekers may be simultaneously challenging their transfer while starting their substantive application in the Member State they have been transferred to, due to the limits on suspensive effect. And because of the fast-tracks in the procedures Regulation, the latter process may even be completed before the former. The limits on the scope of appeal seems to be based on the cases in which the CJEU has explicitly mentioned the EU Charter in this context: see, for instance, Abdullahi (Article 4 Charter); Case C-19/21 (family criteria); and Shiri (information available after the transfer decision). Time will tell whether the CJEU accepts this limitation of the right to an effective remedy in other cases.

As for the ‘undoing the effects of Dublin’ provisions, they are new in the Dublin Regulation as such; but they can be compared to the previous relocation decisions. The mandatory relocation numbers in the previous decisions were never much complied with in practice, and so a more voluntary approach to relocations should at least reduce the prospect of non-compliance. But this misses the point: for the frontline Member States, the non-compliance was only a symptom; the underlying disease is the lack of sufficient solidarity. And the new Dublin Regulation does not cure the disease as such; it simply alters the dynamics of treatment. The issue will now be whether Member States will pledge enough relocations in the first place; and the compliance with those pledges in practice may yet be a further issue again on top.

Finally, as regards the possibility of the UK participating in the revised Dublin rules, the discussion of the new rules above confirms that the frequent (and previously debunked) claim from the UK government that the Labour party is seeking to take 100,000 asylum seekers a year from the EU is false. Quite apart from the lack of expressed interest from the EU (so far) in negotiations, the Labour party’s clarification that it seeks a much more narrow arrangement, and the voluntary nature of relocation under the Regulation, it is obviously mathematically impossible that the UK’s share of the 30,000 annual relocations that must be proposed by the Commission under the rules is…100,000. Perhaps the real intention is to provide further evidence for the Prime Minister’s proposal that all pupils should study maths until age 18?

Friday 26 April 2024

At last a Directive protecting platform work – Now what?


Catherine Jacqueson, Professor of EU law and Alberto Barrio, post-doc on the WorkWel-project, Law Faculty, University of Copenhagen

Photo credit:, via Flickr 

Finally, the European Parliament formally adopted the directive protecting platform work on 24 April. It still needs to be formally endorsed by the Council too, but this is more a matter of procedure. Against all odds and at the very last minute, the Directive made it through the legislative rollercoaster. It was the Council which was holding back. It therefore came as a surprise that the Council adopted the compromise agreement on 11 March after having rejected this very same text on previous occasions. Suddenly, the blocking minority had vanished as Greece and Estonia no longer abstained and voted in favour of the compromise agreement. Germany continued its abstention because of internal struggles and France, the main opponent to the proposed Directive, seemed to have softened a bit its hard standpoint.

The approval of the Directive in the Council represents an important step towards greater protection of platform workers’ rights in the field of labour law and social protection. It is also a clear signal, which reinforces the EU social’s agenda following the Gothenburg summit of 2017 and the launch of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The Commission has – again – delivered. However, the compromises made to arrive there also mean that several provisions, particularly those regarding a rebuttable presumption of employment relationship are diminished compared to the European Commission’s proposal. More importantly, very little of the European Parliament’s proposition to further strengthen the protection of platform workers in its common position was introduced in this compromise version.

A watered-down presumption of employee

The proposal is much watered down at the end, especially in respect of its flagship provision creating a presumption of employee for those operating on labour platforms such as Deliveroo, Uber and Bolt. It leaves it to the Member States to decide upon which criteria the presumption should apply and thus fails to establish a level playing field between States, markets, businesses and providers. Some may argue that such ‘loose’ presumption creates more problems than it solves. Member States are also explicitly not required to apply to the presumption in the fields of social security and tax law, which may hinder achieving the expected increase in public authorities revenue of up to EUR 3.98 billion. The Member States could not agree that the directive should require a spillover effect to other legal fields at national level, but each State is free to do so. The sensitive issue of the EU’s competence might be lurking here. But even a watered-down version imposes a clear obligation on the EU States to insert such presumption, which ultimately could be challenged before national courts and end before the ECJ. Furthermore, national discretion is contained by some safeguards imposed by EU law and the case-law of the ECJ. Importantly, the directive carves it out in stone that the presumption should be based on facts indicating control and subordination and not on the supposed agreement of the parties. The Member States can be flexible in interpreting these criteria in line with the digitalization of the labour market. The directive requires States to set up procedural safeguards to enforce the legal presumption of employee. Thus, the directive is more a procedural one than one on substance. Again, the Member States are free to design them as long as they make it ‘effectively easy for the person performing platform to benefit from the presumption’ (recital 32). The fear here is that it could lead to more legal challenges concerning employment status - this time regarding the presumption instead of the status itself. Indeed, the presumption does not lead to automatic reclassification as employees. Only time will show the added value of the presumption and in which country it was most effective.

What is left?

In contrast, the detailed chapter on algorithm management may have real added value. At least on the paper. It is the EU’s first attempt to regulate algorithms within the context of work. Unlike the AI Act which has been formally adopted by the European Parliament, it does not rely on self-regulation but imposes specific obligations and prohibitions on platforms. It is rather ambitious, and interestingly most of its provisions apply also to the self-employed taking thereby a holistic approach. The Commission’s draft was left quite untouched until January where a few changes were inserted. The directive puts flesh on the dry provisions of the GDPR. It builds on the Regulation prohibiting the processing of some personal data and also the use of biometric data to predict future behaviour, which conflicts with fundamental rights such as the likelihood of pregnancy. It goes further than the GDPR, as it obliges platforms to open the black box on how they are designed and work. Likewise, human oversight is not only required where the platforms take a decision but also, for example, when they monitor data.

Furthermore, the directive is an improvement in terms of transparency and accountability of the platforms. Thus, the agreed version requires platforms to report and disclose certain information to relevant authorities including declaring the performance of platform work, as well as the number of persons doing so on a regular basis. The intention is both to get data and monitor the platforms, which could serve to improve enforcement of applicable rules in both internal and cross-border situations. This part has also been left quite untouched from the Commission’s original version with the removal of only a few of the criteria which need to be reported.

All in all, the directive is a clear signal that platform work and algorithm management should not be left unregulated. It is a hard law initiative with quite some softness. Its effectiveness in protecting those operating on the labour platforms will thus depend very much on its implementation and enforcement at national level, which will inevitably vary across the EU and the internal market…



The new Screening Regulation – part 5 of the analysis of new EU asylum laws


Professor Steve Peers, Royal Holloway University of London

Photo credit: Rock Cohen, via Wikimedia Commons

Just before Christmas, the European Parliament and the Council (the EU body consisting of Member States’ ministers) reached a deal on five key pieces of EU asylum legislation, concerning asylum procedures, the ‘Dublin’ system on responsibility for asylum applications, the ‘Eurodac’ database supporting the Dublin system, screening of migrants/asylum seekers, and derogations in the event of crises. These five laws joined the previously agreed revised laws on qualification of refugees and people with subsidiary protection, reception conditions for asylum-seekers, and resettlement of refugees from outside the EU. Taken together, all these laws are intended to be part of a ‘package’ of new or revised EU asylum laws.

I’ll be looking at all these agreements for new legislation on this blog in a series of blog posts (see the agreed texts here), unless the deal somehow unravels. This is the fifth post in the series, on the new Regulation on screening of migrants (mostly) at the external borders. The previous blog posts in the series concerned the planned new qualification Regulation (part 1), the revised reception conditions Directive (part 2), the planned new Regulation on resettlement of refugees (part 3), and the revised Regulation on Eurodac (part 4). Part 6 concerns the revised Dublin rules on responsibility for asylum-seekers.

As noted in the earlier posts in this series, all of the measures in the asylum package could in principle be amended or blocked before they are adopted, except for the previous Regulation revising the powers of the EU asylum agency, which was separated from the package and adopted already in 2021. I will update this blog post as necessary in light of developments. (On EU asylum law generally, see my asylum law chapter in the latest edition of EU Justice and Home Affairs Law).

The Screening regulation: background

There have been two previous ‘phases’ in development of the Common European Asylum System: a first phase of laws mainly adopted between 2003 and 2005, and a second phase of laws mainly adopted between 2011 and 2013. The 2024 package will, if adopted, in effect be a third phase, although for some reason the EU avoids calling it that.

However, unlike most of the 2024 package of legislation, the Screening Regulation is entirely new – although to some extent it may provide a legal basis for things that were already going on in practice before its adoption. So unlike most of the other laws in the asylum package, there is no current version of the law to compare the new version to – and therefore no prior CJEU case law to consider either.

Having said that, the Screening Regulation will amend a number of other EU measures, to ensure their consistency with it, namely the Regulations on: the Visa Information System; the entry-exit system; ETIAS (the travel authorisation system); and interoperability of databases. Furthermore, a parallel Regulation will amend two EU criminal law measures to ensure that they are also consistent with the main Screening Regulation.

Why two parallel Regulations? Because the Screening Regulation, unlike the rest of the package of EU asylum law measures, is technically a law on external borders, not asylum. As such, it ‘builds upon the Schengen acquis’, and so will be applicable in principle to the Schengen associates (Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) too. Ireland must opt out (as it does not participate in Schengen) and Denmark is formally excluded (although it may apply the Regulation as a matter of national law). In contrast, the parallel amendment to EU criminal law is only relevant to Member States (but again, there will be an Irish and Danish opt out from it).

In this context, the preamble to the Regulation makes special provision for Cyprus, which has not yet fully applied Schengen; that country must apply the Regulation to those crossing the line separating the areas controlled by the Cypriot government and the Turkish Cypriot administration, even though it is not legally an international border from the perspective of EU law.  As for Denmark and Schengen associates, the preamble states that for them, references to the EU’s reception conditions Directive in the Screening Regulation should be understood as references to the relevant national law.   

As with all the new EU asylum measures, each must be seen in the broader context of all the others – which I will be discussing over the course of this series of blog posts. Furthermore, the new Screening Regulation will have links with the Schengen Borders Code, the main law governing crossing of external EU borders – although the Regulation will not formally amend the Code. It will also link with (but again, not amend) the EU’s Returns Directive.

The legislative process leading to the agreed text of the revised Eurodac Regulation started with the Commission proposal in 2020, as part of the attempt to ‘relaunch’ the process of amending EU asylum law, started back in 2016. The proposal was subsequently negotiated between EU governments (the Council) and then between the Council and the European Parliament. But this blog post will look only at the final text, leaving aside the politics of the negotiations.

Like most of the other measures in the asylum package, the application date of the Screening Regulation will be two years after adoption (so in spring 2026). However, the provisions on queries of other EU information systems will only start to apply once those information systems enter into operation.


The Regulation applies to four categories of people, namely those who: 

without fulfilling the entry conditions [in the Schengen Borders Code], have crossed the external border in an unauthorised manner, have applied for international protection during border checks, or have been disembarked after a search and rescue operation

and of

third-country nationals illegally staying within the territory of the Member States where there is no indication that those third-country nationals have been subject to controls at external borders, before they are referred to the appropriate procedure.

The Regulation distinguishes between the first three categories, who are all connected with the external borders, and the fourth category (illegal staying where is there is no indication of having been controlled at external borders). For simplicity’s sake, this blog post refers to the first three categories as ‘external cases’, and the fourth category as ‘internal cases’. Both the first and third groups must be screened regardless of whether they apply for asylum or not.

Member States ‘may refrain’ from screening the fourth category of people (on the territory, having entered without authorisation), if they send the non-EU citizen back, ‘immediately after apprehension, to another Member State under bilateral agreements or arrangements or under bilateral cooperation frameworks.’ In that event, the other Member State must apply a screening process.

The Screening Process

For external borders cases, screening must be ‘carried out without delay’, and in any event completed within seven days of apprehension, disembarkation, or presentation at the border. For internal cases, the deadline is three days. Screening must end if the person concerned is authorised to enter the territory. Screening may end if the person concerned ‘leaves the territory of the Member States, for their country of origin or country of residence or for another third country’ to which they voluntarily decided to return to and were accepted by. In any case, screening ends once the deadline to complete it is reached.

Screening must take place at an ‘adequate and appropriate’ location decided by Member States; for external cases, that location should be ‘generally situated at or in proximity to the external borders’, although it could be at ‘other locations within the territory’. It must entail (referring in part to checks under other EU laws): checks on health, vulnerability, and identity; registration of biometric data ‘to the extent that it has not yet occurred’; a security check; and filling out a screening form.

For those who have made an asylum application, the registration of that application is governed by the asylum procedures Regulation. The preamble to the Screening Regulation explicitly states that an asylum application can be made during the screening process. Furthermore, the Screening Regulation is ‘without prejudice to’ the Dublin rules; and it ‘could be followed by relocation’ (ie movement to a Member State not responsible for the application) under the Dublin rules ‘or another existing solidarity mechanism’.

Member States are obliged to inform the persons being screened about the screening process itself, as well as asylum law and returns law, the Borders Code, national immigration law, the GDPR, and any prospect of relocation. Otherwise, there is no explicit reference to procedural rights. Conversely, the people being screened have procedural obligations: they must ‘remain available to the screening authorities’ and provide both specified personal data and biometric data as set out in the Eurodac Regulation. Finally, after screening ends, the person concerned should be referred to the appropriate procedure – either the asylum process or the returns process.

Treatment During Screening

As regards immigration law status during the screening process, external cases must not be authorised to enter the territory of the Member States, even though the screening might be carried out on the territory de facto. This is obviously a legal fiction, which is exacerbated by the prospect (under the procedures Regulation) of continuing that legal fiction under the ‘borders procedure’ for up to 12 weeks.

Moreover, Member States must provide in their national law that persons being screened ‘remain available to the authorities carrying out the screening for the duration of the screening, to prevent any risk of absconding and potential threats to internal security resulting from such absconding.’ This wording looks like a euphemism for detention, which the Regulation goes on to refer to more explicitly – providing that where the person being screened has not applied for asylum, the rules on detention in the Returns Directive apply.

For those who have applied for asylum, the reception conditions Directive applies to the extent set out in it. This cross-reference is potentially awkward because that Directive applies to those ‘allowed to remain on the territory’ with that status, whereas the Screening Regulation decrees that the people covered by it are not legally on the territory. Logically the reception conditions Directive must apply despite the non-entry rule of the Screening Regulation, otherwise that Regulation’s references to that Directive applying would be meaningless (the preamble to the Regulation also says that the detention rules in the reception conditions Directive ‘should apply’ to asylum seekers covered by the Regulation). Screening is not as such a ground for detention in the exhaustive list of grounds set out in the reception conditions Directive – so Member States will have to find some other ground for it from that list. The preamble to the Regulation sets out general rules on limits to detention, borrowing some language from the reception conditions directive.

As for other aspects of treatment, the Screening Regulation states that Member States ‘shall ensure that all persons subject to the screening are accorded a standard of living which guarantees their subsistence, protects their physical and mental health and respects their rights under the Charter [of Fundamental Rights].’ For asylum-seekers, this overlaps with the more detailed rules in the reception conditions Directive, but for non-asylum seekers, it in principle goes further than the Returns Directive – although the case law on that Directive has required some minimum treatment of people covered by it. Of course, for many people subject to screening, it will be the provisions on detention conditions under those two Directives which will be relevant in practice. There is a more specific provision on health care, stating that those being screened ‘shall have access to emergency health care and essential treatment of illness.’

The Regulation includes specific provisions on minors. The best interests of the child must always be paramount; the minor must be accompanied by an adult family member, if present, during the screening; and Member States must ensure the involvement of a representative for unaccompanied minors (overlapping with the relevant provisions of the reception conditions Directive).

Finally, as for contact with the outside world, ‘[o]rganisations and persons providing advice and counselling shall have effective access to third-country nationals during the screening’, although Member States may limit that access under national law where the limit is ‘objectively necessary for the security, public order or administrative management of a border crossing point or of a facility where the screening is carried out, provided that such access is not severely restricted or rendered impossible’. Presumably such access can help check that the rules on treatment are being applied, including possible challenges to detention and offering advice as regards subsequent asylum or returns procedures, or potential challenges to screening as discussed above.

Human Rights Monitoring

The Regulation sets out an overarching obligation to comply with human rights obligations, including the principle of non-refoulement (not sending a migrant to an unsafe country), as well as a requirement to have an independent human rights monitoring mechanism, which is specified in some detail. Member States must: ‘investigate allegations of failure of respect for fundamental rights’ as regards screening; ensure civil or criminal liability under national law ‘in cases of failure to respect or to enforce fundamental rights’; and create an independent mechanism to monitor human rights compliance during the screening, ensuring that allegations of human rights breaches are triggered or dealt with effectively, with ‘adequate safeguards’ to ensure its independence. The preamble points out that judicial review is not enough to meet these standards. (Also, these rules will apply to monitoring the borders procedure in the procedures Regulation)


To what extent has this Regulation ensured a balance between migration control and human rights? It does aim towards a greater degree of migration control by imposing new legal obligations as regards many asylum seekers; but the key point as regards their rights is that the Regulation provides for a filtering process, not a final decision. In other words, the screening process does not entail in itself a decision on the merits or admissibility of an asylum claim, or a return decision. Whilst it is based on a legal fiction of non-entry, that process is strictly and absolutely limited in time, with no prospect of extending the short screening period even as a derogation under the Exceptions Regulation. (In contrast, the border procedure under the procedures Regulation lasts for longer, and can be extended in exceptional cases). And the legal fiction does not in any event mean that no law applies at all to the persons concerned; obviously at the very least, the screening Regulation itself applies, as do other EU laws which it makes applicable. (So does the ECHR: see Amuur v France) For instance, the Regulation refers to detention on the basis of the returns and reception conditions Directives, and although the lack of authorisation to enter means that the right to remain on the territory as an asylum seeker is not triggered as such, nevertheless the Regulation precludes Member States taking return decisions to remove asylum seekers, as it only provides for a filtering process.

Despite the absence of any express procedural rights in the Regulation, it is arguable that in light of the right to effective remedies and access to court set out in Article 47 of the Charter, it should at least be possible to challenge the application of the screening procedure on the basis that (for example) there is no legal ground for the screening at all, or that the screening has exceeded its permitted duration. In any event, the absence of express procedural rights should be seen in the context of the screening process not determining the merits of an asylum application.

The drafters of the Regulation chose instead to focus on the prospect of non-judicial processes to protect human rights in the context of the screening process. While non-judicial mechanisms of course play an important role in protection of human rights in general, it is useful if parallel judicial processes can be relied upon too. And one area where the Regulation should have explicitly provided for both judicial and non-judicial mechanisms is pushbacks from the territory – illegal not only under human rights law but also under EU law, as recently confirmed by the CJEU.


Monday 22 April 2024

Access to documents: an important victory for transparency in ClientEarth v Council


Dimitrios Kyriazis (DPhil, Oxon), Assistant Professor in EU Law at the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Photo credit: Bela Geletneky, via Wikimedia Commons


In ClientEarth v Council (Joined Cases T-682/21 and T-683/21), the General Court (GC) heard an action for annulment brought by ClientEarth AISBL (and Ms Leino-Sandberg) against a decision by the Council of the EU refusing access to certain documents requested on the basis of the Public Access to Documents Regulation (1049/2001) and the Aarhus Convention Regulation (1367/2006). The GC found against the Council and annulled its decisions refusing access.

This judgment is important for a variety of reasons. First, it sheds light on the proper application of transparency requirements for EU institutions. Second, it does not allow the EU’s legislative process to remain opaque. Third, it reaffirms the correct standards for providing sufficient justifications to EU decisions.

In this post, the background to the dispute is initially set out, as well as the pleas in law raised. Then, the GC’s key dicta are analysed. Finally, the post concludes with an assessment of the ruling’s broader ramifications. 

Background to the dispute and pleas raised

Lodging actions for annulment under Article 263 TFEU, the applicants, ClientEarth AISBL and Ms Päivi Leino-Sandberg, sought annulment of the decisions contained in the letters with reference numbers SGS 21/2869 and SGS 21/2870 of the Council of 9 August 2021, refusing them access in part to document 8721/21. This document was issued by the Council’s legal service and contained its legal opinion on the then proposed amendment of the EU Aarhus Regulation.

To provide some context, Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 (“Aarhus Regulation”) was adopted by the EU in late 2006 in order to comply with the requirements of the Aarhus Convention, i.e. the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters.

In March 2017, the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee (‘the Aarhus Committee’), which was set up in order to verify compliance by the parties to that convention with the obligations arising therefrom, found, inter alia, that the EU was not in compliance with Article 9(3) and (4) of that convention regarding access to justice by members of the public and recommended that the EU Aarhus Regulation be amended. Its two main concerns were as follows. First, the Aarhus Regulation should not be restricted to acts of individual scope with legally binding and external effects adopted under environmental law, but that it had to be extended to all acts running counter to environmental law. Second, the mechanism should not be open only to certain NGOs entitled to make use of it, but must also be open to ‘members of the public’.

In October 2020, the European Commission published a proposal to amend the Aarhus Regulation, and the Aarhus Committee issued advice on the Commission’s proposal stating that, notwithstanding certain concerns that remained to be addressed, the proposal constituted a ‘significant positive development’. In May 2021, the Council’s legal service issued an opinion relating to the Commission’s proposal and the advice of the Aarhus Committee in document 8721/21. This is the document Client Earth requested full access to a few days later. The Council only partly granted their request, giving them access to only certain paragraphs of the document. Client Earth then made confirmatory applications pursuant to Article 7(2) of Regulation No 1049/2001 and in August 2021, the Council adopted the (now challenged) decisions, by which it determined the applicants’ confirmatory applications. While confirming its previous decision to refuse full access to the requested document, the Council granted additional partial access to some more paragraphs of that document.

The applicants brought an action for annulment against said Council decisions refusing them full access. In support of its action, ClientEarth relied on four pleas in law, under which the Council committed several errors of law and a manifest error of assessment.

The first three pleas were based formally on errors of law, while the fourth one was subsidiary in nature. We will follow the order which the GC followed in its judgment, thus examining the second plea first, then the first one, and finally the third one. Only the key legal dicta are repeated and analysed.

Second plea in law (paras 26-87)

The applicants’ second plea in law alleged that the Council committed an error of law and of assessment in applying the exception provided for in the second indent of Article 4(2) of Regulation No 1049/2001 relating to the protection of legal advice. In summary, this provision provides that access to a document is to be refused where disclosure would undermine the protection of legal advice, unless there is an overriding public interest in disclosure of that document. A three-step test has been set out in settled case law in order to apply this exception.

First, the institution concerned, here the Council, must satisfy itself that the document which it is asked to disclose does indeed relate to legal advice and, if so, it must decide which parts of it are actually concerned and may, therefore, be covered by the exception at issue. Second, the institution must examine whether disclosure of the parts of the document in question which have been identified as relating to legal advice would undermine the protection which must be afforded to that advice. The question to be asked here is whether it would be harmful to the institution’s interest in seeking legal advice and receiving frank, objective and comprehensive advice. The risk of that interest being undermined must, in order to be capable of being relied on, be reasonably foreseeable and not purely hypothetical. Finally, even if said institution considers that disclosure of a document would undermine the protection of legal advice, it is incumbent on it to ascertain whether there is any overriding public interest justifying disclosure despite the fact that its interest in seeking legal advice and receiving frank, objective and comprehensive advice would thereby be undermined.

These conditions were examined in turn. The applicants disputed whether the opinion contained legal advice to begin with, but their argument was  swiftly (and rightly) rejected by the GC, which stressed that ‘the analysis of the requested document shows that its content is intended to answer questions of law and, as a result, is covered by the exception relating to the protection of legal advice’ (para 42).

Moving on to the second condition, the applicants had asserted that  the document was not particularly sensitive and did not have a particularly wide scope, so that the Council erred in assessing that its disclosure was liable to undermine the protection that must be afforded to legal advice. More specifically, they submitted that the Council did not establish that there was an actual, specific, reasonably foreseeable and non-hypothetical risk that would result from disclosure of that document, and did also not establish that the document had a particularly wide scope having regard to the legislative context in which it was adopted.

Regarding the sensitive nature of the requested document, the Council had substantiated it by relying on three considerations. The first consideration was the context in which that document had been drawn up and its content; the second was the risk of external pressure if the document was released; and the third, the fact that the issues addressed could be the subject of litigation before the EU Courts.

The GC very systematically and methodically tore down these defences. First, it stressed that the document itself must be particularly sensitive in nature, not, as argued by the Council, the context of which it forms part (para 58). If it comprises only legal assessments that have no originality and does not contain, in addition to those assessments, sensitive information or does not refer to confidential facts, it cannot be considered sensitive in nature (para 59). The Council’s position on this matter was not endorsed by the GC.

The Court next focused on the Council’s assertion that the disclosure of the requested document would expose its legal service to external pressure which could subsequently affect how its advice is drafted and therefore prejudice the possibility of that legal service of expressing its views free from that pressure. The GC was not receptive to such abstract “dangers” either. First, it reiterated settled case law stressing that openness in the legislative process of the EU institutions contributes to conferring greater legitimacy on the institutions in the eyes of EU citizens and increasing their confidence in those institutions by allowing divergences between various points of view to be openly debated (para 64). Therefore, mere statements relying, in a general and abstract way, on the risk of ‘external pressure’ did not suffice to establish that the protection of legal advice would be undermined. This argument was, accordingly, also rejected by the GC.

As regards the Council’s argument that the requested document was particularly sensitive in so far as the issues addressed could be the subject of litigation before the EU Courts, the GC was not particularly sympathetic here either. In essence, the nub of the Council’s argument here was that it would be difficult for the legal service of an institution which had initially expressed a negative opinion regarding a draft legislative act subsequently to defend the lawfulness of that act before the EU Courts, if its opinion had been published. This, prima facie at least, does make sense. However, the GC reminded the Council that it is settled case law that such an argument was too general an argument to justify an exception to the openness provided for by Regulation No 1049/2001 (para 74). More specifically, the Council had not specified exactly how disclosure of the requested document could harm its ability to defend itself in the event of litigation concerning the interpretation or application of the Aarhus Regulation. Furthermore, it was not apparent from the examination of the content of that document that it could be regarded as expressing a negative opinion regarding the Commission’s proposal for amendment of that regulation. Concluding on this matter, the GC stressed (para 76) that the Council’s refusal was vitiated by an error of assessment and, consequently, the first complaint had to be upheld.

The GC then moved on to the second complaint of the applicants, which alleged that, contrary to what the Council had claimed, the scope of the requested document was not particularly wide. The arguments of the Council were twofold. One, the Commission’s proposal entailed the broadening of the scope of the internal review mechanism provided for by the Aarhus Regulation to acts of general application which run counter to environmental law, but the preexisting limitations were based on the similar limitations of standing under Article 263 TFEU. Therefore, in the Council’s view, the analysis contained in the requested document entailed implications which allegedly went beyond the legislative process in question. Two, the Council maintained that the requested document touched upon issues that could affect the Commission’s choices regarding future legislative proposals in the context of the ‘European Green Deal’, which was being drawn up at that time.

The Council was, once again, rapped over the knuckles by the GC, with the latter asserting that the Council did ‘no more than rely on the possible impact of the requested document in relation to future legislative proposals of the Commission in environmental matters, while the Commission’s proposal for amendment of the Aarhus Regulation [was] restricted to those matters alone’ (para 82). Moreover, the GC (very logically) dismanted the argument relating to an analogy with Article 263 TFEU, stating that the Council had not proven that the Commission’s proposal on the Aarhus Regulation entailed consequences on the conditions for the admissibility of actions for annulment brought by legal or natural persons, which are provided for by Article 263 TFEU and cannot be amended other than by revision of the Treaties (para 84). The second complaint was, thus, also upheld, and the applicant’s second plea in law was upheld in its entirety (para 87). The GC then went on to briefly examine their first plea in law.

First plea in law (paras 88-103)

The applicants’ first plea in law alleged that the Council committed an error of law and of assessment in applying the exception provided for in Article 4(3) of Regulation No 1049/2001 relating to the protection of the decision-making process. Under the first subparagraph of Article 4(3) of Regulation No 1049/2001, access to a document, drawn up by an institution for internal use, which relates to a matter where the decision has not been taken by the institution, is to be refused if disclosure of the document would seriously undermine the institution’s decision-making process, unless there is an overriding public interest in disclosure.

The applicants argued that, since on the date on which the contested decisions were adopted, the Council had already adopted its position on the Commission’s proposal and, moreover, the provisional agreement had already been concluded, there was no longer an ongoing decision-making process which disclosure of the requested document could have seriously undermined.

The GC reminded both parties of the ratio underpinning the relevant provision of Regulation No 1049/2001: it is intended to ensure that those institutions are able to enjoy a space for deliberation in order to be able to decide as to the policy choices to be made and the potential proposals to be submitted (para 93). However, said provision may no longer be relied on in respect of a procedure closed on the date on which the request for access was made (para 96). In practice, as the GC very pragmatically observed, agreements reached in the course of trilogues are subsequently adopted by the co-legislators without substantial amendment. This meant that it was appropriate to consider that the decision-making process of which the adoption of the requested document formed part was closed at the date on which the Council approved the provisional agreement (para 99). Therefore, the Couuncil’s reliance on this provision of the Regulation in order to refuse disclosure was also vitiated by an error of law (par 101).

Third plea in law (paras 104-120)

The applicants’ third plea in law, i.e. the final plea examined by the GC, alleged that the Council committed an error of law and a manifest error of assessment in applying the exception provided for in the third indent of Article 4(1)(a) of Regulation No 1049/2001 relating to the protection of the public interest as regards international relations (for this point in particular, see this excellent piece by Peter and Ankersmit). The applicants submitted that there was no risk that international relations would be undermined and that the exception based on the protection of international relations was inapplicable, given that the requested document is purely legal in nature.

The Council, to justify the application of the exception relating to the protection of international relations within the meaning of the third indent of Article 4(1)(a) of Regulation No 1049/2001, had argued that the full disclosure of the requested document would amount to revealing considerations relating to the ‘legal feasibility of solutions that the European Union could implement to address the alleged non-compliance with the Aarhus Convention’. The Council also stressed that the risk that the public interest would be undermined as far as international relations were concerned was reasonably foreseeable and not purely hypothetical, in so far as the question whether the Aarhus Regulation complied with the Aarhus Convention was to be examined during an upcoming meeting of the parties concerned in 2021. Thus, the requested documents could be used by other parties to the Aarhus Convention during discussions during the meeting of the parties, which could weaken the position that the European Union might have intended to take in that institutional context.

The GC’s strict approach to such assertions will by now be familiar to the reader. The GC noted (para 112) that the existence of a mere link between the elements contained in a document (which is the subject of an application for access) and the objectives pursued by the European Union in the negotiation and implementation of an international agreement is not sufficient to establish that disclosure of those elements would undermine the public interest protected as regards international relations. Even more crucially, the GC noted, the adoption of an act of secondary EU legislation necessarily implies legal analyses from each institution participating in the legislative procedure, which entails a risk of divergences of legal assessment or interpretation. But this is an integral part of any legislative procedure and such divergences are therefore liable to be explained to non-member countries or international organisations in an international body such as the meeting of the parties to the Aarhus Convention, without necessarily weakening the European Union’s position resulting from the final version of the act ultimately adopted (para 114). Consequently, the Council failed to provide sufficient explanations as to the specific, actual, reasonably foreseeable and non-hypothetical risk on which it relied regarding the international relations of the European Union and the other parties to the Aarhus Convention (para 118).

The applicants’ fourth plea in law, raised in the alternative, alleged infringement of Article 4(6) of Regulation No 1049/2001, in that the Council had failed to grant the applicant wider access to the requested document. This plea was not even examined by the GC, since it had already found that the decisions had to be annulled, without there there being any need to examine the (subsidiary) fourth plea (para 120).

Broader Ramifications and Conclusion

This very detailed and well-substantiated ruling by the GC is significant for a number of reasons. Firstly, it sheds light on the exact conditions that need to be fulfilled for access to documents to be validly refused. Secondly, it reiterates, and clarifies, that any “risk” on which an EU institution might wish to rely to refuse disclosure has to be specific, actual, reasonably foreseeable and non-hypothetical. Thirdly, it demonstrates the pragmatic way in which the EU Courts understand the everyday reality of EU rulemaking.

Most importantly, the ruling is important as a matter of principle. Even when the political stakes are high, EU Courts will side with transparency. The quote “sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants” by Brandeis echoes in Luxembourg just as it did before the US Supreme Court.